Each Time A Different Lock Appears – Lock App

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Ultra Lock is a cool Android app that helps keep your photos, videos, and apps safe. It has different ways to lock things up. What makes it special? Well, it uses a unique method to create PINs. This makes it hard for people who shouldn’t have access to guess your password. You can enjoy clever features like changing PINs based on time, date, or battery level, as well as time-based locks, WiFi locks, intruder alerts, and more!

Unique Lock Options

Ultra Lock has some super neat ways to set your lock screen PIN:

  1. Hours and Minutes PIN: With this, your lock screen PIN is the current time! Since it changes every minute, if someone happens to see your PIN, they can’t use it later on.
  2. Date and Month PIN: Try this if you want something that doesn’t change too much! It sets the current date and month for your PIN. It’s a nice mix of being safe but still easy to remember.
  3. Battery PIN: This option uses your phone’s battery percentage as the PIN. So if your battery level changes, your PIN does too! That makes it tricky for others to figure out.

Plus, Ultra Lock lets you mix and match these types! For example, you could combine Minutes & Date or Hours & Battery for even stronger security!

Additional Features

Ultra Lock is more than just an app locker. It has plenty of helpful extras:

  1. Time-Based Lock: You can lock certain apps during specific times. This is great if you want to keep social media away during work hours.
  2. WiFi-Based Lock: Use this feature to decide when apps are locked based on your WiFi. Like having messaging apps locked at work but open when you’re home.
  3. Intruder Detection: Here’s a fun feature! It snaps a pic of anyone trying to access your locked apps with the front camera. You’ll get an alert the next time you unlock your screen!
  4. Last, Unlock Time Notification: You’ll see when a locked app was last used. This can help you track usage and spot any unusual activity.
  5. Lock PIN Modifiers: Want even trickier options? Ultra Lock has reverse & offset modifiers! For instance, if it’s 12:15 PM and you use a reverse modifier? Your new PIN would be 5121!
  6. Random Numeric Keypad: To stop shoulder snoopers, the numeric keypad shuffles every time! So hard for anyone else to memorize your secret code.
  7. Photo & Gallery Lock: Ultra Lock lets you hide away personal photos and videos within the app, keeping them safe from anyone’s eyes but yours!


Ultra Lock shines as a strong security app for Android users who want more than just simple locks like patterns or basic PINs. Its changing PIN options & extra security features give excellent protection for all your stuff – apps, photos, videos, and more! If you’re worried about snoopy friends or curious coworkers wanting a peek at your private info, Ultra Lock has got everything covered to keep it secure.

Lock App

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